Signposts exist that warn of natural hazards. Danger: Deep gorge. Beware of high tide. Caution: Your feet may get wet. Other signs warn of what Homo sapiens produces and does.
Some seas require extra vigilance to ensure that the refugees don't get caught in the ship's propeller. It's such a bother when the corpses bend the propeller out of shape. On the bright side, the annoying cries for help tend to stop, and the rich countries can give each other a pat on the back.
Supposedly we are a highly evolved species. At least we believe this to be true.
And what is killing us? The smallest forms of life. Apologies! According to our definition, viruses are not living things. So, hats off to nature who has bestowed upon us this population brake. Why? Some may wonder.
What makes humans so unique? Drawings! Shortly after the prehistoric cave paintings, our ancestors are savvy enough to invent warning signposts. Later, when archaeologists compare the images from different eras, they will wonder who was more intelligent. Primordial man or Homo sapiens?